About Us
What is SLC and what do we do?
Inspired by Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s effort to promote bilingualism, the School of Language and Communication (SLC) is set up by BT Communication as its education arm to promote active use of English and Mandarin. Founded in 2016, it is helmed by a team of former Singaporean school teachers who share rich experience in classroom teaching, curriculum development and pedagogy.
At its Singapore headquarters, SLC specialises in English and Chinese tuition classes, enrichment programmes and customised language and communication courses. Its curricula and pedagogies are carefully managed by the senior academic faculty, in consultation with highly experienced current and former school teachers, HODs, principals and the NIE faculties.
SLC provides a wide range of courses, from English and Chinese tuition classes for Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels, to Business English and Mandarin for Working Professionals, as well as customised courses such as Digital Journalism, Convergence Marketing, Creative Writing and Cross Cultural Differences in Singapore, China and Beyond. With its broad based services, there’ll surely be something for you whether you’re 6 or 60.
启发于新加坡建国总理李光耀,对双语政策的推广,BT Communication开拓此教育事业,命名为“语言与传媒学院(SLC,语传院)”,为推广人民灵活运用双语(英语和华语)献出多一份力量。学院创办于2016年,由一组具有丰富教学经验的新加坡前教师团队指导。
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